Allan Dvinge ser tilbage på foråret 2019 og overlevelsen i serie 1
Horsens Freja vs VRI 0-0 (8-7 after penalty kick)
There is not much to write about in the playoff match. We probably play one of our worse matches offensively, and our defensive is solidly ahead of Anders. The heat was almost as unbearable as the excitement, but from Anders snatched the important 5 kicks from VRI I was really calm… and we succeeded - CLASS!
My first half season in Freja is now over and I can look back on a tough but super fat spring 2019.
Before the season we had lost some regular players from the squad, and there were not many to train in the autumn, and no training at all on series 4. Rumors in Horsens among the football people were that Freja was on her way to ruins, the players fled, etc .. As I mentioned , when I talked about the coaching job with Jacob Outzen, Krølle and Jobber, it was a challenge that I think sounded exciting.
Pretty soon we got new players in and train with, and old acquaintances returned. We did not win many football matches in the start-up, and various defensive formations were tested, but unfortunately we still conceded plenty of goals. We were also hit by injuries to several players, and unfortunately injuries that were longer lasting. 2 players traveled 1-2 weeks into the tournament abroad for a few months and we still did not have any training series 4 teams.
The sum of it all was many challenges in the start-up, which also affected our tournament start significantly.
My first goal was to quickly create a great training environment - the players should be praised for showing up from the start and giving it max gas every single time. This meant that there were many for training, high intensity and high mood in the training. The high training attendance has been there throughout the season, and huge respect for the fact that the players have had very few cancellations. The positive thing about s4 not training was that Henrik and I got great sparring from Locht and Benner. They have been a huge help to me throughout the spring, both in training, talking about the players, quiet teams so both us and s4 could quiet teams, and then they squ just some amazing Freja boys with their hearts in the right place.
Jeg fik en snak med klubben omkring udfordringen med ikke at have et trænende s4 hold. Bestyrelsen, trænere på s4 og U19 var med på at det var en god ide at lægge træningen for s4 og U19 sammen, og at U19 spillerne skulle udgøre stammen på s4. For s1 betød det at bredden i truppen blev forøget af trænende spillere, for s4 betød det at vi var tæt på at få lov at spille om oprykning, men det glippede i Lund. Alle U19 drengene har givet udtryk for at de er klar igen fra efterårets start, hvor de samlet udgør s4 truppen, mens dem der har lysten og evnerne også blir en del af s1 truppen. Når jeg har spurgt U19 drengene om de havde lyst til at træne med os, så har de bakket 100% op om det – fedt.
Unfortunately, Henrik became ill along the way, and eventually had to report completely. During that time, I got huge help from Benner, Locht and Tor, who were all ready to take us to the fights. I got the PS4 controllers out of Lasse's hands at the end of the spring, so he has been a good help on the sidelines for the last weeks and last 3 games and as he says "we have won all the games since" - think what a young kid can do gain knowledge through FIFA and Manager. Lasse has entered it with great enthusiasm and we will continue the collaboration in the autumn.
Every month since the start, the players' council with Have, Vilhelmsen, Kevin and I have held some meetings and along the way written a lot with each other, where we have turned the various challenges - for me it has worked perfectly with the sparring the 3 have given me throughout the spring . They have contributed with good input, and they have, on behalf of everyone, taken great responsibility for everything being as it should be in and around the squad.
The development in our game has also been significantly increasing for me, and we have been recognized by all our opponents in the pool for being a good team. We have scored 29 goals in 14 matches and 30 goals have been scored, so the matches have ended 2-2 on average, which also fits well with the 14 points we harvested. Especially the last 5 games have shown a good development in both the offensive, defensive game and not least the tactical game, which the players have been very disciplined around.
Status after the first season in Freja
I am very happy and grateful to have been a part of Freja this spring. I am extremely happy with the support I have felt all along from the management. Our team leaders Axel and Verner have made it easy for me to fully focus on training and matches. I'm insanely happy with the training culture the players have helped to create, and I'm squ proud of all my players.
The players have welcomed everything I / we have come up with, they have utilized the framework the training has provided to help create an absolutely fantastic training environment, and not least, we have a completely unique unity in and around the squad / club - a unity to which everyone contributes to a large extent, and which I have never seen so strongly in any other club. The players are some absolutely fantastic boys / men to enjoy football with everything incl.
I want to say to the players many THANK YOU for this spring has been insanely cool, I am really looking forward to continuing the work in the autumn, where we start up on Monday 22/7 at. 18.15
Good summer